Live enzymes
Enzymes are killed or destroyed when food is heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. When killed this can have a terrible effect on our bodies, because without them there can be no cellular division, the immune system cannot function, and energy cannot be produced. Not even vitamins or hormones can do their work without enzymes.
Interestingly, it is said that every food contains within itself the perfect mix of digestive enzymes to break it down completely. When the Creator made these foods He saw to it that all food decomposes and returns from which it came (aka the ground). But with cooking our food and destroying its enzymes, this leaves our bodies to generate the enzymes on it's own but this isn't enough. We need those food enzymes so the food can decompose itself without exhausting our body's supply of them.
Do your body a favor and eat more live foods, and try to stay away from cooking or heating them above 118 degrees. Your body will thank you for it.
I hope you found this information helpful, thanks for reading! Have a great day!
Technorati Tags: enzymes, health, live whole foods