CLICK HERE to see how you can make great money by selling the most potent live whole food supplement on the market. But hurry, you DO NOT want to let this billion dollar oppurtunity pass you by!!!

However, if you are not interested in this business opportunity but would like to learn more about The Feast and the truth about health and nutrition, CLICK HERE.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Live enzymes

Live whole foods are essential to our health and longevity. They allow our bodies to perform as they were meant to. They contain live enzymes that are necessary for our bodies to function properly.

Enzymes are killed or destroyed when food is heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. When killed this can have a terrible effect on our bodies, because without them there can be no cellular division, the immune system cannot function, and energy cannot be produced. Not even vitamins or hormones can do their work without enzymes.

Interestingly, it is said that every food contains within itself the perfect mix of digestive enzymes to break it down completely. When the Creator made these foods He saw to it that all food decomposes and returns from which it came (aka the ground). But with cooking our food and destroying its enzymes, this leaves our bodies to generate the enzymes on it's own but this isn't enough. We need those food enzymes so the food can decompose itself without exhausting our body's supply of them.

Do your body a favor and eat more live foods, and try to stay away from cooking or heating them above 118 degrees. Your body will thank you for it.

I hope you found this information helpful, thanks for reading! Have a great day!

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Health Benefits of Eating Live Whole Foods

Do you know that there are so many health benefits to eating raw live whole foods?

Live food eaters usually have more energy, less sickness, can show signs of healthy weight loss, sleep better, think clearer, etc.

There are so many benefits. Why not just test it out for a while and see how you feel?

Although it has been said that the body goes through a detoxification process so some unpleasant symtoms can occur, but that's really just your body ridding itself of the toxins that have been in it for so long.

After all, back when humans were first created we really only ate live whole foods anyways. We had no preservatives, chemicals, or refining processes. So why not give it a try?

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Live Whole Foods Article - Part Two

Here's the rest of the article I posted a few days ago...

By far one of the best ways to approach any diet is balancing. A healthy well balanced diet with raw foods as your main source of nourishment with plenty of variety seems like your best bet. Try to stay away from processed foods, and go for organic if at all possible.

For most of us, it isn't feasible to be eating a diet composed of all organic live whole foods due to our busy schedules, fast paced lifestyles, and budgets. However I do believe that if we incorporate more living foods into our diets, we will feel better physically! Cutting back on processed foods and replacing them with more fruits and vegetables will greatly increase our general health and nutrition.

To me there is nothing wrong with eating live whole foods, just so long as you are eating a well balanced diet. Organic is always the best way to eat anything, since you are not putting chemicals into your body that don't belong there. That's not always possible as we all know, but if you eat as much organic as you possibly can that's good too.

In conclusion, like I said before, consult your doctor. Also, do more reasearch and decide for yourself what is best for you and your family.

Thanks for reading, come back tomorrow for more great information!

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Living Foods Article

Here is an article that you may want to read about live whole foods...

The following information may help your health. What you eat plays a huge role in your general health, and eating live whole foods may be the key to better nutrition.

Live whole foods are plant-based foods that are alive and raw but unheated or uncooked. Which may include fruits, fresh juices, nuts, seeds, beans, sprouts, vegetables, grains and legumes, etc. These raw live whole foods contain a wide range of crucial life force nutrients and live enzymes like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.

Many who have been on a raw live food diet have seen great health improvements from eating this way. They have said to have superior mental alertness, higher energy levels, superior digestion and skin appearance. Weight loss is also a pluss to eating live whole foods.

Before starting any diet you should first consult your doctor. In my opinion however, I would not suggest going completely on a live whole food diet. It seems to me that by eating this way you would be missing some key vitamins and minerals that you can only get from other kinds of foods like dairy products or meat.

...I'll post the rest of it tomorrow. That's all for today. Have a nice night!

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cooking or heating live foods

Cooking your food can kill many of the vitamins that your body needs. That's why eating raw live whole foods can be so much more beneficial to your health.

Let's face it though, not all foods taste so good when their raw. If you absolutely have to heat or cook your food, the best way is by steaming. Briefly boiling can also be another option but it isn't as good as steaming because with boiling you can lose much of the nutrients in the water.

If at all possible, eat the live foods raw to keep in all the nutrients.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Life with Live Whole Foods!

The life of our physical body is entirely based on the state of our individual cells. Lively and healthy cells make a lively and healthy body. So what should we do to make our cells more lively? We should put life into out bodies! Which is where live whole foods come in.

So what does it mean to put life into the body? It means we provide living nourishment to our cells, and living nourishment is readily digestible food that hasn't been killed (cooked). Readily digestible food is food that is served and eaten raw, such fresh ripe fruits, their juices, and colorful crisp salads.

When eating living foods your diet is composed of a variety of vegetables, fruits, and sprouted seeds that aren't cooked but can be fermented, blended, dehydrated, or juiced.

Eating raw live whole foods isn't depriving you of variety, there are tons of different fruits and vegetables out there and many different ways to prepare them. Just get creative and it shouldn't be too hard. :)

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Did you have any live foods today?

How was your energy level today? Did you get tired?

Well, maybe you weren't getting enough live whole foods. Make sure you get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables every day 5 at least and shoot for 9. Oraganic if possible of course. Eat them raw to get the highest nutrients, cooking or heating them can kill most of the healthy enzymes that help in digestion.

Sorry this is so short but I'm out of time for today. If you were tired today, make sure you eat more live foods tomorrow. Thanks for reading! Have a nice night!

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Short Tip

Everyone knows the best way to eat food is when it's raw (well, most foods, not necessarily some meats). That's what we mean by live whole foods. It's best if your food is raw and especially organic if at all possible. Because with the amount of preservatives and chemicals on and in foods today, we're doing more harm to our body than good.

That's the most basic tip I can give mostly raw fruits and veggies, and if at all possible go for organic.

If you absolutely can't eat all your fruits and veggies raw, then steaming is possibly your best bet. It still keeps in most of the nutrients that other ways of cooking may lose.

I hope the info on here is helpful to you. Thanks for reading, that's all the time I have for today!

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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Live food...

When I think of live whole foods the first things that pop into my head are, fruits and veteables. They are alive because how else can they grow? They continue to grow until we pick them or until they fall off because of being over ripe. So to me that seems significant.

Most of us are getting our food from the grocery store, after the fruits and vegetables have already been picked off the plant...who knows how long it's been like that either? From being picked to being shipped to finally being put on the shelves and then into our homes...all that time, just think of how long it's been dying because it's not connected to it's life force that helps it grow and live.

So by the time it goes into our bodies the food is already dead and we're eating dead food.

I've been contemplating this process quite a bit lately, it seems hard to find a solution except to grow your own food and eat is as quickly as possible after you harvest the food. I know that there aren't many people nowadays that have that luxery I'm wondering what most of us can do to get the live whole foods our body needs.

I will blog more on this later however after I think through a few more things...

Have a nice day!

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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Living foods? What's it all about?

I once heard a very interesting theory when it came to living foods. The theory goes something like this:

We're meant to eat living foods. The teeth that we contain in our mouths were meant to eat fruits, vegetables, and freshly killed meat.

I don't know what to think about it, so I pondered long and hard about live whole foods in the daily diet of both humans and animals.

It's quite an interesting thing. More and more people marvel at long life (such as 80 or even 90) when people many, many years ago (before the Industrial Revolution) lived to be that old and older! What's changed?

I believe a lot of it has to do with the amount of dead foods we place into our body. Think about how animals eat and survive without processing, or even cooking their foods. The food dies in their system, not before.

Humans manage to kill their food long before we ingest it. There is no wonder why our bodies are decaying before they die. We can't get the living nutrients that we were meant to eat!

More on this later, sign up for my feed to get updated often....

Friday, May 4, 2007

Live Whole Foods

The food you put in your mouth has more power over aging and disease than anything. Unfortunately, these days the food's we're eating is causing us just as much harm as it is helping us. We've strayed away from live whole foods and started eating processed junk that could be killing us. It's easier to just grab whatever's on the grocery selves, but we really need to stop doing that so much. We need to get back to the basics if we want to have better nutrition, less diseases, and live longer healthier lives.

That's what this blog is dedicated to. Giving information about live whole foods and nutrition so that we can get back to where we are much healthier by eating basic foods that are grown and not processed!

Thanks for visiting and come back and see us soon for more info.

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